Generally, web hosting providers allow you to host only one domain with a separate web page and you need to purchase a separate web hosting package for each domain on which you wish to host a web page and e-mail addresses.
Radicenter offers an affordable option to host up to 20 additional domains in one web hosting package.
For each additional domain space, only 3.99 (+VAT) is added to the monthly fee for web hosting.
If you have 3 domains that have 3 separate web pages, you generally need 3 web hosting packages to host these domains.
Let’s take as an example our Starter web hosting package, which has a monthly price of 9.40β¬ (+VAT).
In case of hosting 3 websites the monthly price would be 3 x 9.40β¬ = 28.20β¬ (+VAT).
With us, you can host these 3 websites in one Starter package.
Based on the given example, the accommodation price would be the monthly price of the Starter package 9.40β¬ (+VAT) + the monthly price of 2 additional domain hosting 7.98β¬ (2 x 3.99β¬) = 17.38β¬ (+VAT).
A clear price win: 10.82β¬ (+VAT)/a month!
To order an additional domain slot, log in to the customer area on our website ( > select CUSTOMER AREA from the top right), choose in customer area “Web hosting extras”.
Under “Web hosting extras” you can increase your addon domain count by moving the slider to the right and by clicking to the “Change hosting package extras” button.
At the next step you can make a payment for the additional domain slot.
After the payment has been made, you will have to wait about 15 minutes and then you can add the additional domain in your cPanel under “Domains” menu by clicking on the “Create A New Domain” button.
To add the addon domain, you need to untick the box “Share document root⦔ on the next page.
Domain will be active in a hour.
The additional fee is calculated per additional domain slots, regardless of whether the additional domain slots are in use in cPanel or not.
You can see information about the additional domain slots from the customer area, by choosing “Web hosting” from the menu and by clicking on the username of the corresponding webhosting package.
If you wish to reduce the addon domain slot count, first remove unnecessary addon domains from cPanel, under menu “Domains” by choosing “Manage” near the corresponding domain and clicking on the “Remove Domain” on the next page.
Then log in to the Customer Area from our website, choose “Web hosting” from the menu, click on the web hosting packageβs username and then click on the link “Re-synchronise cPanel account with customerarea”. Wait for 10 minutes, delete your order from “Orders/Invoices” and then re-add the order by choosing “Web hosting” or “Domains” from the menu and by clicking on the “EXTEND” button.
NB! If only e-mail addresses are needed for a domain and a simple redirect is sufficient (no separate website is needed), then an addon domain slot is not necessary for this domain. In this case you can add this domain as an alias. To add the domain as an alias, under “Domains” menu click on the “Create A new Domain” button. On the next page you need to tick the option “Share document root⦔. After the domain has been added you will be able to create the redirect from the “Redirects” menu.