Couple of customers have asked us possibility to change domains PHP version in cPanel webhosting account.

NB! differences in PHP versions:
– After 01.05.2023 default PHP version on our servers (instead of 7.4) is PHP 8.1 !

Additional info:
We use on our servers separate PHP versions in which even older versions still get security patches and updates.
You can read more info regarding this on page:
(If Your webpage/script/etc supports newer PHP versions, I would recommend to update Your domain to newest PHP version supported!)

1. Changing PHP version in cPanel

1. Log on to Your cPanel webhosting account
2. Select β€œMultiPHP manager”
3. Select domain, select required PHP version from dropdown on the right and click β€œApply”
(New PHP version will be activated automatically shortly after save)
NB! Mentioned save action will overwrite PHP version in .htaccess file! If You remove/have removed those changes manually, You need to re-apply them!

2. Examples how to run script with required PHP version via command line (Works also via CRON)

Example commands to use with script:

In cron:
/bin/ea-php56 /path/to/required/script.php
/bin/ea-php70 /path/to/required/script.php
/bin/ea-php71 /path/to/required/script.php
/bin/ea-php72 /path/to/required/script.php
/bin/ea-php73 /path/to/required/script.php
/bin/ea-php74 /path/to/required/script.php
/bin/ea-php80 /path/to/required/script.php
/bin/ea-php81 /path/to/required/script.php
/bin/ea-php82 /path/to/required/script.php
In command line:
ea-php56 /path/to/required/script.php
ea-php70 /path/to/required/script.php
ea-php71 /path/to/required/script.php
ea-php72 /path/to/required/script.php
ea-php73 /path/to/required/script.php
ea-php74 /path/to/required/script.php
ea-php80 /path/to/required/script.php
ea-php81 /path/to/required/script.php
ea-php82 /path/to/required/script.php

NB! If in required folder or subfolder alreadyΒ has .htaccess file with required PHP version, there is no need to separately give php command exact version, just β€œphp /path/to/required/script.php” will suffice

Radicenter 2024